Alekhine’s Gun is an action-adventure game developed by Haggard Games and published by 1C Entertainment, released on March 11, 2016. Set during the Cold War, the player assumes the role of Agent Alekhine, a skilled Russian assassin involved in an unsanctioned operation alongside American CIA agents amidst rising nuclear tensions. The game offers 11 open levels across various locations in the U.S., Europe, and Cuba, where players can approach missions non-linearly, exploring multiple routes and methods to complete objectives.
Players are encouraged to control their missions strategically, utilizing tactics such as poisoning, staging accidents, and deception. Stealth is paramount, as players can create distractions, pick locks, and use disguises to enhance their stealth ranking, unlocking new weapons and resources based on performance.
With cinematic cutscenes that enrich the narrative, Alekhine’s Gun immerses players in Cold War espionage from the immediate post-WWII era to the 1960s Cuban Missile Crisis. The game requires a minimum of 6 GB of storage, along with specific hardware specifications, and is available for download via various links, encouraging users to purchase the game to support developers.