“Bravely Default II” is an adventure RPG developed by Square Enix and Claytechworks, released on September 3, 2021. Set in the world of Excillant, the game follows a new hero, Seth, a sailor who washes ashore in one of the five kingdoms. He teams up with Gloria, a princess escaping the destruction of her homeland, and two travelers, Elvis and Adelle, who seek to unravel a magical book’s mysteries. Players engage in turn-based combat featuring a risk/reward system, allowing for deep strategic customization through various jobs, abilities, and skills.
To progress, players must defeat powerful bosses to acquire Asterisks that unlock new jobs, including the Bard and Vanguard roles. The game is designed for Windows 10 (64-bit) and has a file size of 12.3 GB (compressed). In order to run the game smoothly, players should follow the installation instructions carefully, including disabling antivirus software and blocking the game in the firewall.
For optimal gameplay, a minimum of 6 GB RAM and an AMD FX-4350 or Intel Core i3 processor are required, while recommended specifications include 8 GB RAM, an AMD Ryzen 3 1200 processor, and a compatible graphics card.