“Broken Pieces,” developed by Elseware Experience, is an action-adventure indie game published by Freedom Games, released on September 9, 2022. Set in an imagined post-Cold War France, the game follows Elise, a woman in her thirties who, after relocating to a coastal village, becomes ensnared in a series of mysterious paranormal events. Isolated and facing an enigmatic cult, she must navigate the eerie landscape of Saint-Exil and uncover its secrets, including the puzzling lighthouse that looms over the coast.
The game requires a 64-bit processor and operating system, with minimum and recommended specs tailored for Windows systems. The compressed file size is 11.4 GB, and players are encouraged to support the developers by purchasing the game via Steam.
For installation, users should extract the files, run the setup executable, and may need to disable antivirus software to ensure proper installation. Additionally, blocking the game’s executable in a firewall might be necessary to prevent online connections. Various download links, including OneDrive and MegaUp, are provided for easy access.