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Solar Orbiter Unveils Breathtaking New Perspectives of the Sun, Exposing Hidden Dynamics



On March 22, 2023, the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission captured unprecedented high-resolution images of the Sun using its Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) and Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instruments. This release includes three distinct types of views: the Sun in visible light, a magnetic map detailing the Sun’s magnetic fields, and a velocity map illustrating the movement of material at the Sun’s surface. These images enhance our understanding of solar dynamics, showcasing features such as sunspots—cooler regions on the Sun’s surface—and the complex interplay between magnetic fields and plasma movements.

The PHI instrument provides detailed images of the Sun’s visible surface, highlighting its dynamic plasma and surface movements. The magnetogram reveals concentrated magnetic fields in sunspot regions, affecting plasma motions and temperatures. The EUI instrument captures the Sun’s corona, showing the outer atmosphere’s vibrant plasma and its structure.

These observations represent a significant advancement in solar imaging, offering scientists new insights into the Sun’s behavior and its magnetic field’s role. The Solar Orbiter mission exemplifies international collaboration between ESA and NASA, and the data collected is expected to yield new findings about solar phenomena in the future.

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