On September 23, 2024, an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) captured a striking photograph of Razazah Lake in Iraq. Known as Baḥr al-Milḥ or “Sea of Salt,” this artificial lake showcases vibrant red and green hues, indicative of its algae-rich waters and varying salinity levels. The green areas signal lower salinity, while the red denotes higher concentrations. The image also illustrates the lake’s diminished water levels, exposing much of its bed, a stark contrast to a 2002 photograph when the lake was fuller.
Surrounding the lake are lush agricultural fields near Karbalā’, showcasing the region’s dependence on advanced irrigation techniques. Notable features include small circular fields resulting from center-pivot irrigation, drawing water from the nearby Euphrates River through an extensive canal network.
This captivating image, enhanced for clarity and detail, was part of the ISS Crew Earth Observations initiative, aimed at providing valuable Earth imagery to scientists and the public. The photograph not only highlights Razazah Lake’s ecological uniqueness but also the intricate relationship between the landscape, water management, and agriculture in arid environments.