“SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake” is an action-adventure game developed by Purple Lamp and published by THQ Nordic, released on February 1, 2023. It offers a whimsical narrative where SpongeBob and Patrick stumble upon wish-granting Mermaid’s Tears, leading to a universe-threatening situation as portals to various Wishworlds emerge. Players navigate through seven distinct realms, including the Wild West Jellyfish Fields and Halloween Rock Bottom, while employing both classic and new platforming skills, such as the Fishhook Swing and Karate Kick. The game features over 30 unique costumes, including SnailBob and SpongeGar, and allows players to experience dialogues with familiar Bikini Bottom characters voiced by the original actors. The soundtrack is freshly composed, echoing tunes from the beloved series.
The game’s file size is 7.4 GB and requires a 64-bit OS, with minimum specs including a processor similar to the AMD Phenom II X4 925, 4GB RAM, and a compatible graphics card. Players are encouraged to support developers by purchasing the game rather than seeking cracked versions. Additional installation instructions and links to download the game are provided, with a note suggesting to disable antivirus software prior to installation.