Tails: The Backbone Preludes is a narrative adventure game developed by Eggnut and published by Raw Fury, released on February 2, 2023. Set years before the events of Backbone, it explores the impactful moments in life that shape our identities through a series of interactive vignettes featuring four distinct characters: Howard, a photography major; Clarissa, an heiress struggling with parental expectations; Renee, seeking agency in her life; and Eli, a scientist questioning his pursuits.
With a focus on player choices, the game emphasizes how traits and decisions affect character interactions and relationships. Players can navigate diverse scenarios with branching dialogues and randomized events, creating a unique experience upon each playthrough. Tails boasts double the word count of its predecessor, enhancing narrative depth and character development.
To enjoy the game, it’s recommended to purchase it for supporting developers. The download is available through various links, and installation instructions are provided. The game requires a 64-bit Windows 10 OS, with specified minimum and recommended system requirements for optimal performance.