Sands of Aura is an action-packed RPG developed by Chashu Entertainment and published by Freedom Games, with an Early Access release on October 21, 2021. Set in the world of Talamhel, players face a devastating cataclysm that has shrouded the land in eternal darkness and transformed its inhabitants into corrupted, violent entities. As a member of the Order of Remnant Knights, players embark on a quest to combat the Night Plague, which threatens the realm of humanity anew. The game features an expansive world with rich lore and challenging gameplay mechanics that engage players in their mission to restore order and protect the remnants of mankind.
The game requires a minimum of 8 GB RAM, and a compatible 64-bit operating system with specific processor and graphic card requirements to run smoothly. The file size is 15.9 GB, and players are advised to support the developers by purchasing the game legally. Those downloading the game should follow installation precautions, including disabling antivirus programs and blocking online access through firewalls. As an Early Access title, players should be aware that the game is still in development and may evolve through updates.
For additional details, users can refer to the GOG database link provided.