A Plague Tale: Requiem is an action-adventure open-world game developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Entertainment, released on October 18, 2022. With a file size of 50 GB, the game immerses players into a richly crafted environment filled with challenges and narrative depth. Players are encouraged to support developers by purchasing the game from platforms such as GOG.
For those looking to download the game, multiple links are provided across various platforms, including OneDrive, MegaUp, Rapidgator, and torrent mirrors. Users are advised to disable their antivirus software before installation due to potential interference. The game has been updated to version 20230310_1116, which includes a DLC pack for added content.
System requirements for the game specify a 64-bit processor and OS, with minimum requirements including an Intel Core i5 or AMD FX processor, 16 GB RAM, and a GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon RX 590 for graphics. Recommended specifications for optimal experience include an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor, 16 GB RAM, and a GeForce RTX 3070 or Radeon RX 6800 XT. An SSD is recommended for improved performance.