Title: ACL Pro Cornhole
Developer/Publisher: FarSight Studios
Release Date: March 30, 2023
Genre: Simulation, Sports
File Size: 6.1 GB (Compressed)
ACL Pro Cornhole offers an immersive, realistic cornhole simulation experience, enabling players to compete in the ACL World Championship against 32 top professional players. With accurate motion capture of actual players, the game features detailed 3D environments, official ACL bags, and commentary from renowned cornhole commentators Trey Ryder and Bernie Nabors. Players can compete in Single Player Tournament Mode to become champions at the Rock Hill Sports and Events Center.
The game allows one-on-one or two-on-two matches with friends, enhancing skills such as sliding, airmailing, rolling, and pushing as players earn points and unlock new pros to play as they progress. Players can experiment with bags from nine manufacturers, noting their specific speed ratings.
To install the game, players are provided with multiple download links and instructions, including disabling antivirus software for a smooth installation process. Minimum and recommended system requirements are outlined, emphasizing the game’s compatibility with 64-bit Windows operating systems.