Atomic Heart is an action-adventure RPG developed by Mundfish and published by Focus Entertainment and 4Divinity, released on February 21, 2023. This game is set in a dystopian world where humans once lived harmoniously with advanced robots. However, a malfunction in a new robot-control system unleashes mutant creatures and rogue machines, leading to chaos. Players assume the role of a character equipped with a powerful glove and various weapons to combat the uprising of these foes.
The game emphasizes dynamic combat, requiring players to adapt their fighting strategy against diverse opponents. It also allows players to upgrade their arsenal and utilize the environment to overcome challenges. The game features a stunning, albeit perilous, world filled with intense encounters.
The installation file size is approximately 27.9 GB, and the game is available through various download links. Players need a 64-bit OS, at least 8 GB of RAM, and specific graphics capabilities, with recommended specifications for optimal performance. The game supports multiple languages, including English and Russian, and is already cracked for installation. Players are advised to disable antivirus software during installation and follow specific setup instructions for optimal performance.