Actress Melanie Zanetti, known for her role as Chilli Heeler on the popular animated series “Bluey,” discussed her journey to landing the part in an interview...
Goldman Sachs has kicked off 2025 by adding three new stocks to its “Conviction List”: Uber Technologies, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Belden, while removing Fox Corp,...
Jim Cramer’s Charitable Trust will sell 250 shares of Nvidia at approximately $136.02, reducing its holdings to 1,050 shares and decreasing the weighting from 5% to...
Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) menghapus ambang batas pencalonan presiden dan wakil presiden, memungkinkan semua partai politik untuk mengajukan calon di Pilpres. Permohonan ini diajukan oleh empat mahasiswa...
CNBC is now accepting applications for the 2025 Disruptor 50 list, highlighting innovative venture-backed companies tackling economic and consumer challenges with breakthrough technology. The submission deadline...
On December 27, air traffic control at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) instructed a charter jet carrying the Gonzaga men’s basketball team to halt its takeoff...
In the final article of the “Dogs of the Dow/S&P 500” series, Bunge Global is featured as a consumer staple producing edible oils, distinct from energy...
Investors are optimistic as 2025 begins, with stock futures rising significantly, particularly for the Dow Jones and S&P 500. A gain of 1% or more for...
On January 2, Wall Street kicked off the trading year strong, bolstered by recent gains from the “Mag 7” stocks. Apple has started offering small discounts...
The suspect in the New Year’s truck attack in New Orleans has been identified as Shamsud Din Jabbar, as reported by CBS News and FBI officials....