The Book of Bondmaids is a visual novel game developed by kamti, released on September 24, 2021. Set in a fantasy kingdom facing ruin, players find...
Hungry Dragon is an exciting flying action game where players control fierce, fire-breathing dragons in a vibrant medieval world filled with various creatures and unsuspecting prey....
A new study has challenged the long-held belief that microproteins, small proteins previously considered unimportant, have no significant role in human cellular functions. Researchers, led by...
A Space for the Unbound is an adventure indie game developed by Mojiken and published by Toge Productions, released on January 19, 2023. Set in the...
Honkai Impact 3rd, developed by HoYoverse, immerses players in an action RPG experience with a vibrant storyline and engaging gameplay. The latest update introduces the new...
An international research team, including Dr. Steven Gazal from USC, has identified critical base pairs in the human genome that have remained unchanged over millions of...
“Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters” is an action RPG developed by Idea Factory and Compile Heart, published by Idea Factory International on January 25, 2023. Set in...
Geometry Dash is a rhythm-based action platformer that challenges players to navigate dangerous levels filled with obstacles through jumping, flying, and flipping. Available on Android and...
Qizhong Liang, a PhD candidate at CU Boulder, has developed a groundbreaking laser-based breathalyzer capable of detecting COVID-19 through breath analysis. Each exhalation releases over 1,000...
Lust Theory Season 2 is an adventure and RPG game developed and published by Inceton Games, released on January 28, 2023. This mature-themed visual novel invites...