Lust Academy is a 3D visual novel developed and published by Bear in the Night, released on April 12, 2022. The game follows an 18-year-old protagonist...
Dengeki Bunko: Crossing Void is an anime crossover turn-based RPG featuring characters from the Dengeki Bunko universe. The game is uniquely licensed, offering new storylines crafted...
Dibaryons are unique particles formed by the binding of two baryons, each composed of three quarks, and their existence has been primarily theorized within quantum chromodynamics...
Crossfire: Legion is an action-packed real-time strategy (RTS) game developed by Blackbird Interactive and published by Prime Matter, released on December 8, 2022. Set in a...
Grand Summoners – Anime RPG offers players an engaging blend of strategic gameplay with stunning anime visuals and intense battles. Set in the fantasy realm of...
Researchers from NTNU have studied the East Antarctic ice sheet in Queen Maud Land, which holds significant implications for global sea level rise. This ice sheet...
Tortuga – A Pirate’s Tale is an exploration, strategy, and turn-based simulation game developed by Gaming Minds Studios and published by Kalypso Media, set to release...
Dynasty Heroes: Samkok Legend is an engaging tactical RPG mobile game that immerses players in the rich history of ancient China’s Samkok era. Players recruit hundreds...
New research led by MIT scientists reveals that the Prochlorococcus microbe, a crucial phytoplankton for carbon capture, likely colonized the open ocean by using chitin particles...
Osiris: New Dawn is a sci-fi action-adventure game developed and published by Fenix Fire Entertainment, released on January 18, 2023. Set in a harsh alien solar...