“Wanted: Dead” is an action-adventure hybrid slasher and shooter developed by Soleil Ltd. and published by 110 Industries, released on February 14, 2023. Set in a...
In “Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War,” players experience a thrilling real-time strategy game where they take on the role of a pirate captain, engaging...
Researchers have identified defects in the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway as a significant factor in Yellow Nail Syndrome (YNS), particularly its congenital form. A study...
“Beautiful Mystic Survivors,” developed by Archmage Games Studio and published by Mango Party, is an action-packed indie RPG released on November 18, 2022. Set in a...
“Invasion: Aerial Warfare” is a war-themed MMO game that immerses players in a global apocalypse. Users are tasked with battling opponents, customizing their bases, and strategically...
Atogepant, a newly approved drug for migraine prevention, demonstrates rapid effectiveness, providing relief from day one of use, according to a recent study published in the...
“Perseus: Titan Slayer” is an action-adventure rogue-like RPG developed by Sicarius and published by G-DEVS.com, released on February 13, 2023. The game offers an engaging hack-and-slash...
Injustice 2 is a dynamic mobile fighting game featuring renowned DC Superheroes and Villains in intense 3v3 battles. Players can assemble iconic characters like Batman, Superman,...
A recent study conducted by researchers at Uppsala University has identified a unique genetically distinct type of Baltic herring that has adapted to a fish-based diet,...
Richman 11 is a casual strategy game developed by CMGE and published by Softstar Entertainment, released on October 20, 2022. The game offers both online and...