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BoroBazar nulled Themes 2.0.0 Free Download



BoroBazar nulled Themes is a versatile WordPress theme tailored for modern grocery stores and online shopping platforms. Developed by REDQ, it is specifically designed for grocery markets, superstores, and multipurpose online businesses. The theme features a clean and contemporary layout optimized for an effortless shopping experience. With WooCommerce integration, BoroBazar allows entrepreneurs to easily set up online grocery shops, focusing on organic food delivery.

Key features include rapid carting, user-friendly navigation, SEO and speed optimization, and Gutenberg compatibility for enhanced customization. BoroBazar supports advanced functionalities like LazyLoad for faster loading, unique WooCommerce widgets, and various layout options for easy setup and presentation. It also boasts features such as social login, AJAX filtering, an autocomplete search function, and responsive design for mobile optimization.

The product page offers advanced features like a Buy Now button, AJAX add-to-cart capabilities, and multiple layout options for photos. With free lifetime updates and documentation available in several languages, BoroBazar aims to elevate online grocery sales and expand business potential. Start your eCommerce journey with this powerful solution today!

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