“Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia” is a strategy and simulation game developed and published by Happinet, released on May 11, 2022. Set in the continent of Runersia, players can engage in battles between six major powers, commanding over 40 bases, 100 knights, and 50 types of monsters. Players choose a ruler to strategize and lead their armies in turn-based combat on hexagonal maps, utilizing diverse tactics involving skills, terrain, and unit advantages. The game progresses through seasonal phases: the Organization Phase for troop formation and the Attack Phase for battling.
As seasons change in the year 781, players face the looming threat of war among nations with conflicting ideologies, each represented by unique Brigandines tied to the Mana Stones. The narrative unfolds through accumulated stories and events from the six nations, offering replayability with the Challenge mode unlocked after completing the main storyline.
To successfully install the game, players need to download and extract files, mount the ISO, and follow the installation steps, adjusting firewall settings as necessary. Minimum and recommended system requirements are specified for optimal gameplay experience.
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