Despite a decline in the toy industry, Lego is thriving, with a 13% revenue increase in the first half of 2022. The Danish company has successfully...
In a festive tradition, anonymous media executives shared their predictions for the 2025 entertainment landscape, reflecting on 2024’s less accurate forecasts. Notable insights include potential mergers...
Nordstrom announced it will become a private company following a $6.25 billion buyout deal with its founding family and Mexican retailer El Puerto de Liverpool. The...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has filed a complaint against Walmart and Branch Messenger, alleging that they pressured delivery drivers to use poorly managed accounts...
Concerns are mounting over President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed 25% tariffs on Canadian imports, particularly affecting Ontario’s vital automotive industry. Ontario Premier Doug Ford warns that such...
A coalition of banks, including JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, is suing the Federal Reserve over its annual bank stress tests. The Bank Policy Institute and various...
The rise in athlete salaries, exemplified by Juan Soto’s $765 million MLB contract, has sparked significant growth for wealth management firms. As college athletes increasingly earn...
On October 25, 2024, American Airlines temporarily grounded its U.S. flights due to a technical issue linked to a network hardware problem involving its flight operating...
The New York Liberty celebrated their victory in the 2024 WNBA Championship against the Minnesota Lynx. Meanwhile, the advertising market is showing positive trends for 2025,...
On December 25, 2024, Netflix set a record for the most-streamed NFL games in the U.S., with nearly 65 million viewers tuning in for two matchups....