“Park of Monster” is an immersive mobile game that invites players into a vibrant world filled with magical creatures and exciting quests. The game allows users...
Merge Magic! is a captivating mobile game developed by the creators of Merge Dragons!, where players embark on enchanting quests in a mystical realm. Players merge...
Manor Cafe is an engaging mobile game that combines puzzle-solving with restaurant renovation. Players work through challenging match-3 puzzles to transform an outdated restaurant into a...
Two Dots is a popular free puzzle game where players connect colorful dots through engaging levels, exploring adventurous worlds while collecting prizes. With over 5,000 levels,...
“Cradle of Empires: Match Three” is a captivating match-3 puzzle game designed for adults, where players swipe jewels to renovate a hidden Egyptian city. The game...
“Sugar Blast: Pop & Relax” is an engaging candy-matching puzzle game that invites players to help Maple, a candy lover, conquer sweet challenges across hundreds of...
“Sugar Blast: Pop & Relax” is an engaging candy-matching puzzle game that invites players to help Maple, a candy lover, conquer sweet challenges across hundreds of...
Bejeweled Blitz, developed by PopCap Games, offers one minute of exhilarating match-3 gameplay enjoyed by over 125 million players globally. In this puzzle game, players match...
Bubble Shooter: Panda Pop! is an engaging bubble-popping game where players match three or more bubbles of the same color to rescue adorable baby pandas. With...
“Delicious B&B: Decor & Match 3” is an engaging match-3 puzzle game that combines strategic gameplay with home design. Players assist Emily, a character from the...