Into the Nightmare is an indie RPG developed by Tsukinomizu Project and published by Kagura Games, released on December 3, 2022. Set in the city of...
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator is a casual management simulation game developed by niceplay games and published by tinyBuild, released on December 14, 2022. The game immerses...
Master of Magic is a remake of a classic 90s RPG and strategy game developed by MuHa Games and Eerie Forest Studio, published by Slitherine Ltd...
NinNinDays2 is a romance adventure visual novel developed by qureate and iMel Inc., released on January 21, 2022. The game, set in Akihabara, follows the life...
NinNinDays is an adventure and visual novel game developed by qureate and iMel Inc., released on August 9, 2019. Set in a world where ninjas, historically...
“Wavetale,” developed and published by Thunderful, is an adventure game released on December 12, 2022, allowing players to explore the open sea and the decaying archipelago...
Crisis Core –Final Fantasy VII– Reunion is an HD remaster of the acclaimed prequel to the iconic game, Final Fantasy VII, developed and published by Square...
“High On Life,” released on December 13, 2022, by Squanch Games, Inc., is an action-adventure sci-fi shooter game co-created by Justin Roiland, known for “Rick &...
Title: Choo-Choo Charles Developer/Publisher: Two Star Games Release Date: December 9, 2022 Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Indie, Open World File Size: 1.9 GB (compressed) Choo-Choo Charles...
Portal with RTX is a free DLC reimagining of the critically acclaimed Portal game, developed by NVIDIA’s Lightspeed Studios and released on December 8, 2022. This...