“Farthest Frontier,” developed and published by Crate Entertainment, was released on August 9, 2022, and falls under the genres of building, survival, and strategy simulation, currently...
Title: Recipe for Disaster Developer: Dapper Penguin Studios Publisher: Kasedo Games Release Date: August 5, 2022 Genre: Casual, Indie, Management, RPG, Simulation, Strategy File Size: 421...
Clanfolk is an engaging medieval colony simulation game set in the Scottish Highlands, developed by MinMax Games Ltd and published by Hooded Horse. Released on July...
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a driving simulation game developed and published by SCS Software, released on October 12, 2012. With a file size of 14.4...
The Mortuary Assistant is a horror simulation game developed by DarkStone Digital and published by DreadXP, released on August 2, 2022. Players take on the role...
“Dying Light 2 Stay Human,” developed and published by Techland, was released on February 4, 2022. This action-adventure RPG combines horror and survival elements in an...
Hard West 2 is an action, RPG, and turn-based strategy game developed by Ice Code Games and published by Good Shepherd Entertainment, released on August 5,...
The Ditzy Demons Are in Love With Me, an adventure visual novel game developed by SMILE and published by Sekai Project, was released on October 26,...
Amatsutsumi is an adventure visual novel developed by Purple Software and published by Sekai Project, released on July 29, 2016. The game is available for free...
Digimon Survive is an engaging hybrid of visual novel and tactical RPG developed by HYDE, Inc. and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, released on July 29,...