The Planet Crafter is an upcoming adventure, building, and crafting game developed and published by Miju Games, set to release on April 10, 2024. Players take...
Title: Expedition Zero Developer: Enigmatic Machines Publisher: tinyBuild Release Date: March 25, 2022 Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Indie File Size: 9.8 GB (Compressed) Expedition Zero is...
Ghostwire: Tokyo, developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks, is an action-horror open-world game released on March 25, 2022. The game immerses players in...
AFL Evolution 2, developed by Wicked Witch and published by Tru Blu Games, was released on September 11, 2020. This sports game, with a file size...
Lust Theory – Season 1 is a mature adventure game developed and published by Inceton Games, released on March 19, 2022. The game combines elements of...
Animal Shelter is a simulation game developed and published by Games Incubator, set for release on March 23, 2022. In this adventure-style indie game, players take...
ITORAH is an action-adventure indie game developed by Grimbart Tales and published by Assemble Entertainment, released on March 21, 2022. The game features a unique premise...
Iron Commando, developed by Arcade Zone and published by Piko Interactive, is an action-adventure game released on February 10, 1995. Players can choose to control either...
Legend is an action-adventure beat-em-up game developed by Arcade Zone and published by Piko Interactive, released on April 1, 1994. Set in the chaotic kingdom of...
Water Margin – The Tale of Clouds and Wind is an action-adventure game developed by Kingtec Information and published by Piko Interactive, released on January 1,...