Title: The King of Fighters XV (KOF XV) Developer/Publisher: SNK Corporation Release Date: February 17, 2022 Genre: Action, Fighting File Size: 41.1 GB (Compressed) / 40...
A timelapse video captured on January 7 illustrates the alarming onset and swift spread of wildfires across a beach and various areas in Los Angeles. The...
The content expresses support for the Department of Justice’s decision to release special counsel Jack Smith’s report, urging readers to like and share the message if...
SpellMaster: The Saga is an action-adventure RPG developed by Spellbook Creations and published by Valkyrie Initiative, released on February 17, 2022. Players immerse themselves in the...
International flights have resumed at Damascus airport for the first time since the fall of the Assad regime in December. The inaugural flight was operated by...
President Biden has provided immediate emergency assistance to Los Angeles, a decision that has prompted many to express their gratitude. This support aims to address pressing...
Home Behind 2 is a Roguelike RPG developed and published by TPP Studio, released on February 16, 2022. Set in the war-torn country of Scaria, the...
Residents of Copenhagen, Denmark, expressed a mix of surprise and skepticism regarding President-elect Donald Trump’s comments about wanting to take control of Greenland. Many found the...
In Naruto Shippuden Episode 135, titled “The Old Master,” the focus is on Itachi Uchiha’s complex character and his relationship with his younger brother, Sasuke. The...
Dread Hunger is an indie survival horror game developed by Dread Hunger Team and published by Digital Confectioners, released on January 27, 2022. Set in the...