Chained Echoes, developed by Matthias Linda and published by Deck13, is a story-driven JRPG released on December 8, 2022. Set in the fantasy world of Valandis, the game follows a group of heroes on a quest to end a long-standing war among three kingdoms. Players navigate a variety of landscapes, including plateaus, archipelagos, sunken cities, and dungeons, encountering a rich cast of characters and formidable enemies along the way.
The game features a 16-bit SNES style, combining traditional swordplay, magic, and mechanized combat with Mechs. As players progress, they face challenges that test their resolve and strategy in a land filled with intrigue and betrayal.
Chained Echoes is available for download from multiple file-sharing links, but players are encouraged to purchase the game from sources such as GOG to support its developers. The installation process involves downloading the game, running the setup file, and potentially adjusting firewall settings.
For the game to run smoothly, the minimum system requirements include a dual-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and a compatible graphics card, while the recommended specs suggest an i5 processor and 6 GB of RAM.