CHAOS;CHILD is a visually engaging visual novel developed by MAGES Inc. and published by Spike Chunsoft, released on January 23, 2019. The narrative is set in Shibuya, six years after a devastating earthquake, as protagonist Takuru Miyashiro, a senior and president of the newspaper club, investigates a series of bizarre murders. Set in October 2015, these killings echo a past terror that gripped the city, coinciding with the emergence of gigalomaniacs—individuals whose delusions can manifest into reality.
Players navigate through a darker Japan, attempting to uncover the truth behind the new wave of horrors while interacting with Takuru’s unique group of friends. The game offers a dynamic story experience, featuring six different endings influenced by choices, exploring themes of nightmares and daydreams. The artwork is celebrated for its stunning aesthetic, connecting this stand-alone story to the renowned Steins;Gate universe.
The game requires Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit) and offers a file size of 7.9 GB. Support the developers by purchasing the game through authorized channels.