Chinatown Detective Agency, developed by General Interactive Co. and published by Humble Games and WhisperGames, was released on April 8, 2022. This adventure game is set in a futuristic 2037 Singapore, where players assume the role of Amira Darma, a former INTERPOL agent turned private investigator. Amidst a backdrop of economic collapse and governmental chaos, Amira navigates the challenges of her new profession as clients seek her expertise in the bustling Chinatown district.
The game’s narrative unfolds as players investigate mysteries while facing personal financial pressures and professional challenges. The download size is 743 MB (compressed), and players are encouraged to purchase the game to support its developers. Multiple download links are provided, including options for OneDrive, MegaUp, and others, while ensuring that users turn off their antivirus software during installation. System requirements include a 64-bit processor and OS, with a minimum of 6 GB RAM and graphics capabilities equivalent to GeForce 750M or GTX 650. For optimal performance, users may also need admin privileges. The game is updated to version 1.0.07.