“Classic Sudoku,” presented by the popular YouTube channel Cracking The Cryptic, fulfills viewer requests by offering an exceptional collection of sudoku puzzles. Hosted by Simon Anthony and Mark Goodliffe, the game features a wide range of difficulty levels and requires various solving techniques, ensuring an engaging experience for all players. Each puzzle underwent rigorous play-testing by human testers, emphasizing a thoughtful user journey that distinguishes it from other sudoku games on the market.
The game’s advanced puzzles highlight intricate techniques, helping solvers understand underlying patterns. Players start with zero stars and earn them by successfully solving puzzles, unlocking more content as they progress—only the most dedicated players are expected to complete all challenges. The initial launch includes 40 beautifully designed puzzles, with five new levels added monthly in the first year, totaling 100 levels. Hints provided by Mark and Simon enhance the player experience.
Both Mark and Simon have strong credentials, having represented the UK multiple times in the World Sudoku Championship. Additionally, they collaborate with other established authors who have contributed popular puzzles to the channel. Overall, “Classic Sudoku” is tailored for sudoku enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive and thoughtfully designed gaming experience that combines challenge, strategy, and fun.