Dengeki Bunko: Crossing Void is an anime crossover turn-based RPG featuring characters from the Dengeki Bunko universe. The game is uniquely licensed, offering new storylines crafted under the guidance of original authors. Players can enjoy beautifully animated illustrations created by renowned artists, as well as iconic figures from 25 different Dengeki Bunko works, including fan favorites like Kirito, Asuna, and Shizuo.
In Crossing Void, players can build their dream teams by unlocking, collecting, and upgrading characters, engaging in strategic PvP battles. One of the game’s highlights is the innovative “cross skills” feature, which allows players to explore powerful team-up abilities, exemplified through character pairings like Yuuki and Asuna.
To enhance the authenticity of the experience, the game features the original voice cast from popular anime series, including notable voice actors such as Rie Kugimiya and Hiroshi Kamiya, who contribute interactive lines that players can discover.
With its captivating blend of storytelling, strategic gameplay, and an extensive roster of beloved characters, Crossing Void provides an authentic Japanese gaming experience that appeals to anime enthusiasts and RPG fans alike. Players can find more information and connect with the community through the official website and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.