1 week agoon
“Dawn of the Monsters” is an action-adventure game developed by 13AM Games and WayForward, released on May 15, 2022. In this manga-inspired, side-scrolling beat-’em-up, players engage in epic battles against colossal creatures known as Nephilim that have invaded Earth. To combat this threat, players control four unique monsters—Megadon, Aegis Prime, Tempest Galahad, and Ganira—each with distinct abilities, across over 35 destructible missions based on real-world locations.
The game features captivating one or two-player co-op gameplay, allowing players to team up against fierce bosses and various enemy types. Players can enhance their monsters with DNA augments, utilize powerful Rage abilities and Cataclysm Attacks, and deliver brutal finishing moves.
While a free download is available through multiple links, users are encouraged to purchase the game to support the developers. System requirements include a 64-bit OS, a compatible processor, at least 8 GB of RAM, and 10 GB of available storage space. Players are advised to disable antivirus software during installation to prevent any issues. For a seamless experience, it’s recommended to run the game with administrator privileges and potentially block its executable in the firewall.