“Desktop Dungeons: Rewind,” developed by QCF Design and released on April 18, 2023, is a tactical dungeon crawler that modernizes the original award-winning game. The title invites players to establish a new kingdom, where cunning, manpower, and gold are crucial for success, especially in funding expensive taverns and banks. Players explore compact dungeons filled with treasures guarded by formidable foes, and they can heal by revealing hidden terrain as they navigate through the challenges.
A key feature of the game is the “Die, Rewind, and Try Again” mechanic, allowing players to revisit earlier points in a dungeon after dying, facilitating new strategies. Players can enhance their settlements by trading trophies for gold to attract skilled adventurers. Furthermore, the game includes daily online challenges for competitive play among friends.
The release includes multiple download links and notes regarding installation and antivirus settings. Minimum system requirements include Windows 7, a dual-core processor, 4 GB RAM, and 1 GB VRAM. Recommended specifications suggest a more powerful setup. To support the developers, players are encouraged to purchase the game.