“Farthest Frontier,” developed and published by Crate Entertainment, was released on August 9, 2022, and falls under the genres of building, survival, and strategy simulation, currently in Early Access. Players are tasked with guiding settlers to create a thriving town in the untamed wilderness, harvesting resources, farming, hunting, and crafting to sustain their community. The game features a detailed agriculture system allowing players to grow 17 food types and produce 32 crafted items through a multi-tiered economy.
With over 50 building types and advanced town simulation, villagers live and work in real-time, managing resources and trade efficiently. The game offers random map generation and customizable difficulty options, allowing for various gameplay experiences, from peaceful to brutal survival against invaders. Players must also manage health risks and diseases, ensuring access to clean water and a balanced diet.
The game requires a 64-bit processor and runs on Windows 10. Recommended specs include an Intel Core i5 processor and 16GB of RAM for optimal performance. Farthest Frontier encourages players to support its development by purchasing through official channels despite providing cracked download options.