Flat Eye is a management simulation game developed by Monkey Moon and published by Raw Fury, released on November 14, 2022. Set in a futuristic gas and technology hub, players must manage their station efficiently, meet daily objectives set by an advanced AI, and create new technological advancements that influence the course of humanity. The game combines narrative elements with strategic gameplay, allowing players to explore a diverse tech tree and install modules that attract unique "Premium Customers," each offering compelling narratives to engage with.
Some intriguing modules include an organ vending machine, artificial wombs, cloning booths, memory modification tools, smart toilets, and teleportation features. The game, which spans 3.1 GB, presents themes that may challenge players to think critically about technology’s societal impacts.
With minimum requirements including Windows 10, an Intel Core i5-7400 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200, and a graphics card such as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050ti, players can enjoy a complex simulation experience. For those interested, the game is available for purchase to support its developers. Various download links are also provided for players seeking to explore the game through different platforms.