The Wandering Village is an early access simulation game developed by Stray Fawn Studio, released on September 14, 2022. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where toxic plants threaten survival, players lead a community that resides on the back of a giant creature named Onbu. The game combines elements of building, management, and survival, challenging players to create and expand a village while maintaining a symbiotic relationship with Onbu. This relationship dictates how the villagers thrive or decline—players can choose to bond with Onbu or exploit it.
As players navigate diverse biomes, they must adapt their village to varying climates and gather resources through foraging missions. Researching lost technologies allows villagers to enhance their settlement, but players must tread carefully, as advancements can bring unforeseen challenges. The game requires strategic planning, as survival against toxic spores, severe weather, and parasites is paramount.
The game is available for download through various platforms, but players are encouraged to purchase it to support its developers. It requires a Windows system, with specific minimum and recommended hardware specifications to run effectively. Players should also be aware that early access games may experience ongoing changes during development.