Dread Hunger is an indie survival horror game developed by Dread Hunger Team and published by Digital Confectioners, released on January 27, 2022. Set in the harsh Canadian Arctic of 1847, players must withstand the brutal cold, fend off predators, and hunt for sustenance. The game features cooperative gameplay where betrayal is a crucial element; players can sabotage each other by feeding poisoned food or orchestrating attacks using blood magic. They can also butcher bodies for food or weaponry, adding a grim twist to survival tactics.
Players captain a 19th-century warship, navigating through treacherous icebergs while managing coal supplies to fuel the ship. The game incorporates a day-night cycle and unpredictable weather, including whiteouts and blizzards.
For optimal performance, the game requires a 64-bit system, with minimum specifications including a quad-core processor, 8 GB RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 760 GTX. Recommended specs suggest a more powerful Intel Core i7 processor or AMD Ryzen 5 with similar RAM and graphics requirements. Players are encouraged to purchase the game to support its developers.
The game can be downloaded through various links, with installation instructions provided for players.