Evil West is an action-adventure RPG developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Focus Entertainment, released on November 22, 2022. The game immerses players in a dark, supernatural twist on the American frontier, where they combat a growing vampire menace as part of a secret vampire-hunting institute. Players can embody a Wild West superhero tasked with eradicating these bloodthirsty threats using a combination of firearms, gadgets, and a lightning-fueled gauntlet.
The game features visceral, gory combat and allows for solo play or cooperative gameplay with a friend. It emphasizes narrative-driven exploration, enabling players to upgrade their weapons and abilities through a customizable perk system. With a stylized vision of a weird Wild West, the game retells myths and legends while offering a campaign filled with exciting challenges.
The game file size is 32 GB (compressed) or 33 GB (ISO). Updates and downloadable content (DLC) are included, and various links for downloading the game are available. Minimum system requirements necessitate Windows 10, 8 GB RAM, and specific graphics cards, while recommended specs enhance performance for a superior experience.