Immortal Life is a single-player management game developed by YiFang Studio and published by 2P Games, released on April 28, 2022. Set in a stunning valley, players assume the role of a member of a cultivation sect who seeks refuge after their community’s destruction. Embraced by a welcoming new community, your objective is to help nurture and expand this settlement into a thriving village.
The gameplay focuses on crop management while also engaging in various tasks to support community members. By assisting them in gathering resources, hunting, and building, players can strengthen relationships, unlocking new items, missions, and skills. The valley is rich with secrets waiting to be uncovered, fostering spiritual growth through community bonds and personal happiness.
The game emphasizes enjoying the present and recognizing the significance of each small effort that contributes to achieving the ultimate goal of immortality. With a file size of 2.6 GB, it requires a minimum of Windows 7 (64-bit) and an Intel Core i5 processor, with recommended specs for optimal performance. Players are encouraged to purchase the game to support its developers.