Legend is an action-adventure beat-em-up game developed by Arcade Zone and published by Piko Interactive, released on April 1, 1994. Set in the chaotic kingdom of Sellech, the game embarks on a quest against the tyranny of Beldor the Maleficent, who has ruled for a millennium. Despite numerous knights’ attempts to defeat him, they all fail, leading the people to unite and imprison Beldor’s soul. However, the corrupt son of the king, Clovis, seeks to exploit Beldor’s power for his own conquest of Sellech. The gameplay is reminiscent of classic titles such as Final Fight and Streets of Rage, offering players a medieval-themed experience.
The game file is approximately 16 MB in size and available for free download through multiple links, but players are encouraged to purchase it to support the developers. Important installation notes include disabling antivirus software and adjusting Windows Firewall settings to run the game smoothly. The minimum requirements for the game include Windows 7 or above, an Intel Core 2 or Athlon 64 processor, and 512 MB RAM. For optimal installation, users should extract the game and run the setup executable.