LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham brings back the beloved franchise in an exhilarating adventure where players team up with various DC Comics characters to prevent Brainiac from annihilating Earth. With over 100 playable characters, gamers can unlock heroes and villains, including Justice League members and iconic LEGO figures like Solomon Grundy. All characters can be earned through gameplay without needing additional purchases.
The game features special suits that enhance the heroes’ abilities, such as Batman’s Demolition Suit, Robin’s Techno Suit, and Cyborg’s Stealth Suit, each providing unique powers. Players embark on 45 missions across a blend of original and familiar environments, including iconic locations like the Hall of Justice, the Batcave, and Lantern worlds like Zamaron and Odym.
Fans will also have the chance to collect beloved characters, such as Batman Beyond and Batman ’66, with more additions promised in future updates. The game offers a flexible control scheme, allowing players to switch between “Classic” and “Touch Screen” controls to find their preferred play style. Overall, LEGO Batman: Beyond Gotham combines humor, action, and strategic gameplay, making it a captivating experience for fans of both LEGO and DC Comics.