“LEGO® DC Super-Villains” is an action-adventure video game developed by TT Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, released on October 17, 2018. The game features an open-world environment and allows players to explore the DC universe from the perspective of iconic villains. The file size is 19.2 GB when compressed. A note encourages players to buy the game to support its developers.
The game can be downloaded via various links, including OneDrive, MegaUp, and Torrent options, accompanied by instructions for installation. Users are advised to turn off their antivirus software before installation and to follow specific steps to avoid running issues, such as blocking the game’s executable with their firewall.
The minimum system requirements include Windows 7, an Intel Core i3 processor, 4 GB RAM, and a graphics card like the Radeon R9 280X or GTX 660 Ti. For optimal performance, Windows 10 is recommended along with an AMD Ryzen 3 or Intel Core i5 processor, maintaining the same RAM and DirectX specifications. The game requires a broadband internet connection and 16 GB of available storage space. For further details, the GOG database link is provided.