In “Letters From Nowhere,” players confront a dark mystery as they return to the eerie town of Hazewich, seven years after their parents’ disappearance. With witches threatening to conquer the town and malevolent forces at play, the protagonist faces strange occurrences, including ominous symbols in the morgue and mysterious demons. Urged to return by their grandfather, they find the town shrouded in silence, power outages, and peculiar datura plants framing windows. The unsettling atmosphere raises questions about reality and the connection to the shattered Mirror of Avatifa.
To combat the rising evil, players team up with Amanda, a neighbor, to explore desolate streets and uncover secrets. The game promises engaging gameplay with over 3,000 quests and 52 hidden object scenes, alongside more than 400 collectible items and various mini-games. While the game is free to play, optional bonuses can be unlocked through in-app purchases, which can be disabled in device settings.
Available in multiple languages, “Letters From Nowhere” offers both offline and online gameplay, optimized for high-end smartphones and tablets. Players can join the adventure by searching for “g5” in Google Play and are encouraged to stay updated via G5 Games’ social media channels and websites.