Game Summary: Life of Delta
"Life of Delta" is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Airo Games and published by Daedalic Entertainment, released on March 13, 2023. Set in a post-apocalyptic Japan, it follows Delta, a small service robot navigating a world where humans have been extinguished by the Great War, leaving behind decaying robots and humanoid lizards. Driven by the desire to find his lost friend, Delta must employ his intelligence to tackle various challenges and dangers in his environment.
The game boasts 28 hand-painted levels with hundreds of unique character animations and over 50 intriguing puzzles ranging from constructing spaceship engines to mixing toxic substances. Players can interact with various characters throughout the journey, each offering a distinctive story. The immersive experience is enhanced by fully animated cutscenes and a beautiful original soundtrack.
For optimal gameplay, it is recommended to have a system with at least an Intel Core i7-8700 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card. Gamers are encouraged to purchase the game to support the developers. The game is available for free download through multiple links, although caution is advised regarding antivirus settings during installation.