“Loretta” is an indie visual novel released on February 16, 2023, developed by Yakov Butuzoff and published by DANGEN Entertainment. The story centers on Loretta, a housewife grappling with her unsuccessful marriage to Walter, a writer. After relocating from New York City to a run-down farmhouse, their financial struggles escalate further when Loretta uncovers Walter’s infidelity. This revelation ignites a dark plan involving a lucrative life insurance policy on Walter, prompting players to choose how far Loretta will go in her quest for control.
The game features a narrative inspired by film noir and renowned artists and authors like Andrew Wyeth, Edward Hopper, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stephen King. Players must navigate dialogue choices and solve cryptic puzzles that reveal Loretta’s troubled past and her desperate circumstances. The gameplay offers branching paths and multiple endings, creating a highly customizable experience.
To play, users need a Windows system with a minimum requirement of 4GB RAM and specific graphics support. The game can be downloaded via various links, and players are advised to disable antivirus software during installation for smooth operation.