Midnight Fight Express is an action-packed fighting game developed by Jacob Dzwinel and published by Humble Games, released on August 23, 2022. Players assume the role of Babyface, a former criminal lured back into a life of crime by a mysterious AI drone. The game’s objective is to combat various criminal forces throughout the night to prevent a citywide takeover.
The gameplay offers intense, hyper-kinetic brawling with numerous environmental tools and street fighting techniques available for players to utilize. Players can level up their abilities as they confront an increasing array of enemies, including thugs, henchmen, and crime bosses.
The game requires a minimum of 7 GB of storage space and can run on Windows 7 with an Intel Core i7 processor and Intel HD Graphics 620. For optimal performance, it is recommended to have Windows 10 with an Intel Core i5 processor and GeForce GTX 660 graphics.
For those interested in the game, it is available for purchase on Steam, and the content includes multiple download links for those pursuing crack versions. However, players are advised to support the developers by purchasing the game legitimately. Installation steps and system requirements are also provided.