Obey Me! Anime Otome Sim Game Summary
"Obey Me!" is an engaging otome dating simulation game that invites players to immerse themselves in a storyline as a human exchange student in a demon academy known as RAD. Players interact with seven charming demon brothers through regular text messages and calls, creating an intimate connection influenced by player choices. The game features a unique intimacy level system that affects relationships, allowing players to pursue friendships or romantic interests with the characters.
Visually stunning, "Obey Me!" boasts meticulously designed character artwork and beautiful backgrounds, enhancing the immersive experience. The gameplay includes exciting card battles against evil demons, where players can strategize and collect cards to strengthen their teams. The protagonist’s choices determine story progression, relationship development, and hidden quests, maintaining player engagement throughout.
Additionally, the game supports enhancements through mods, cheats, and hack tools for players seeking an edge or faster progression. Official codes like "OBEYME2021" can unlock special rewards, while resources such as Demon Points and Grimm are essential for gameplay advancement. Although the use of hacks is advised with caution due to potential account risks, the game remains highly recommended for fans of otome narratives and anime-themed stories.
Overall, "Obey Me!" delivers a captivating gaming experience that allows players to explore love and adventure in the enchanting world of demons.