“Delivery From the Pain: Survive” is an engaging survival-strategy RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. As an ordinary survivor, players must navigate a captivating storyline that may take over 30 hours to unlock a single ending. Players confront various types of zombies, engage in quests, and meet unique NPCs, with every choice affecting the overall narrative. Key features include a vast, dangerous game world, realistic character development, and multiple endings filled with mysteries.
The game includes a comprehensive crafting and upgrade system for shelter and defenses, alongside an extensive array of weapons to enhance combat experiences. The storyline unfolds following a disastrous vaccine initiative by Faith Energy Company, which leads to the rise of zombies. Players are tasked with investigating the conspiracy while ensuring their survival and that of other characters they meet.
New DLC expands the narrative with additional characters, including a dog companion, a creative feeding, training, and cooking system, and a new lumberyard map for resource gathering. The game also incorporates various in-game currencies, such as coins for purchasing items and upgrading.
While free resources and cheats may be available, players are advised to approach them with caution due to associated risks. “Delivery From the Pain: Survive” emphasizes fair gameplay through legitimate resource acquisition during regular play, offering enduring challenges in a richly crafted zombie world.