File Destined is a psychological thriller game developed by Metavision Studio and released on February 25, 2023. Utilizing Unreal Engine...
Bricks Breaker Quest is an engaging mobile game that combines strategic gameplay with simple mechanics. Players control the trajectory of a ball by tapping on the...
NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace a $179 million contract to send six scientific experiments to the Moon’s Gruithuisen Domes by 2028, as part of its Commercial...
Sailing Era is an adventure RPG and simulation game developed by GY Games and published by bilibili, released on January 12, 2023. Set during the 15th...
RallyAces Poker offers an immersive casino gaming experience centered around Texas Hold’em Poker, casino card games, and slots. Players can win up to 1,000,000 chips through...
AI assistants are evolving to predict and influence users’ decisions early on, potentially creating an “Intention Economy” where these intentions are sold to companies in real-time....
Inkulinati is an ink-based strategy game developed by Yaza Games and published by Daedalic Entertainment, released in Early Access on February 1, 2023. The game features...
Virtual Regatta Offshore is a free offshore sailing simulation game that allows players to become skippers of their boats, racing against competitors in real-time across the...
A supermoon occurs when the Moon is full at the same time it reaches its closest point to Earth (perigee). The Moon illusion is a fascinating...
The Symbiant is a visual novel developed and published by HeartCore Dev, released on February 2, 2023. Set in the year 5066, it follows the story...
“Classic Sudoku,” presented by the popular YouTube channel Cracking The Cryptic, fulfills viewer requests by offering an exceptional collection of sudoku puzzles. Hosted by Simon Anthony...