Summary: Space Shooter – Galaxy Attack Space Shooter – Galaxy Attack invites players into an action-packed universe where they assume...
Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery of luminescent nanocrystals capable of rapidly switching between light and dark states, heralding major advancements in optical computing, artificial intelligence,...
Bus Driving Sim 22 Overview Released on February 2, 2023, by Ovilex Software, Bus Driving Sim 22 is a realistic bus simulator designed for PC, with...
“Call Me Emperor” is a popular palace-simulation mobile game that immerses players in the life of ancient royalty. The game offers a variety of features, including...
Recent archaeological and biological research indicates that small spoon-shaped objects found on the belts of ancient Northern European warriors were likely used to measure doses of...
Perish is a stylish 1-4 player first-person shooter (FPS) developed by Item42 and published by HandyGames, released on February 2, 2023. Set in Purgatory, players assume...
Thermo Sudoku, created by the popular YouTube channel Cracking The Cryptic, introduces an innovative twist to traditional sudoku. Each grid features unique thermometer shapes, where digits...
Researchers at Columbia Engineering have developed groundbreaking photon-avalanching nanosensors that promise to revolutionize force measurement in various fields, including robotics, medicine, and space exploration. These sensors,...
SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is a turn-based strategy and RPG game developed by Owned by Gravity and published by THQ Nordic GmbH, released on February 3,...
Phase 10: World Tour is a popular mobile card game inspired by the classic rummy format, created by the makers of UNO. It allows players to...
Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) have developed a chromosome-level genome map for bedbugs (Cimex lectularius), enhancing understanding of their biology, evolution, and...