Bleak Faith: Forsaken, developed and published by Archangel Studios, is an action-adventure RPG released on March 10, 2023. Set in...
The Quarry is an adventure horror game developed by Supermassive Games and published by 2K Games, released on June 10, 2022. The game, which requires a...
101 Okey Plus is a popular online Rummy game enjoyed by over 1,000,000 daily players. This free-to-play game allows users to connect via 3G, 4G, Edge,...
A recent study led by Sean Regan from the University of Alaska Fairbanks has revealed that three sites along the Denali Fault in Alaska were once...
Earth’s Shadow is a third-person action RPG set in the year 3081 on the alien planet Sumbra, a world rich with legends of valuable relics but...
Witch Weapon: A Super-Fantasy RPG Overview In 2037, the world faces destruction due to the activation of a mysterious substance known as Substance H. Ren, the...
Researchers, including climatologists and astronomers, have employed advanced climate models to investigate early Pleistocene glacial cycles between 1.6 and 1.2 million years ago. Their findings reveal...
SEASON: A Letter to the Future is an adventure and indie game developed and published by Scavengers Studio, released on January 31, 2023, with a file...
CarX Highway Racing is a thrilling racing game that combines realistic physics, stunning visuals, and a diverse selection of vehicles, making it a favorite among gamers....
Senescent cells, which stop dividing and lose normal functionality, accumulate with age and are linked to various age-related diseases such as arthritis and neurodegeneration. New research...
“SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake” is an action-adventure game developed by Purple Lamp and published by THQ Nordic, released on February 1, 2023. It offers a...