“River City Girls 2,” developed and published by WayForward and Arc System Works, was released on December 15, 2022. This...
In 2024, Broadcom experienced a remarkable 111% rise in stock value, positioning it as a major player in the AI chip market while Intel faced a...
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) maintained its benchmark interest rate at 0.25% on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024, surprising economists who expected a hike. The decision, made...
On December 31, 2024, Puerto Rico experienced a significant blackout, affecting over 1.3 million customers as they prepared to celebrate New Year’s. The power outage, which...
In 2023, Americans spent over $17 billion on iced coffee, cold brew, and frozen coffee drinks, doubling their expenditure since 2016. Starbucks reported that cold beverages...
Caesar Indra, president of Traveloka, highlights insights from the company’s study on trends anticipated to influence the travel industry in 2025. Key findings suggest shifts in...
President-elect Donald Trump threatened to reclaim U.S. control over the Panama Canal, alleging that Panama charges excessive fees for its use. Speaking at an Arizona event,...
Micron’s shares plummeted 16% on April 25, 2024, marking their worst performance since March 2020, following disappointing second-quarter guidance. The stock closed at $87.09, nearly 45%...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), led by Rohit Chopra, has sued the operator of Zelle and its banking partners—JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells...
Midday trading saw notable movements among several companies. American Airlines’ shares rose 0.6% after recovering from earlier losses due to a technical flight grounding. Broadcom increased...
Shares of French broadcaster Canal+ fell 22% following their debut on the London Stock Exchange, trading at 226 British pence ($2.86). Canal+ was spun off from...