Toy Rider is a unique racing game developed and published by Omnaya Studios, released on February 28, 2023. Unlike traditional...
Delhi’s air quality has deteriorated sharply since late October, especially after Diwali, with the AQI reaching hazardous levels around 478. Residents like Sheetal Sharma and auto-rickshaw...
At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai in July 2023, Alibaba announced significant price cuts of up to 85% on its large language model, Qwen-VL,...
Art Cashin, the late UBS director of floor operations at the NYSE, traditionally wrote a New Year’s poem reflecting on the year. In his memory, his...
Honda, once celebrated for its innovation and diverse offerings, now faces challenges in the EV era and struggles in the Chinese market. Known for producing everything...
Hong Kong-Taipei has been identified as the busiest international flight route, despite seat capacity being 15% below pre-pandemic levels, according to OAG. Seven of the ten...
President-elect Donald Trump, speaking at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Phoenix, stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed interest in meeting to discuss the Ukraine war,...
On December 16, 2024, Tesla’s shares rose 0.7%, recovering from earlier losses amidst volatile trading. Earlier in the week, shares fell 8%, marking their worst day...
Party City announced the closure of all its stores and immediate corporate layoffs due to ongoing financial struggles. CEO Barry Litwin informed employees that Friday marked...
In 2023, around 93% of 401(k) plans offered a Roth account, compared to 89% in 2022 and 62% a decade ago. Despite this increase, only 21%...
Michael Hastings, a leadership professor and UNICEF vice president, emphasizes that hiring, educating, and housing refugees and asylum seekers is the “next big challenge” for businesses,...